When you book a service through this website, you agree to follow these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you should not reserve service with us.

Booking Confirmation

Booking service online doesn’t guarantee you a spot for that date/time, you will be contacted by email or phone with a confirmation.

Cleaning Providers

You can rest certain that all of our providers have integrity and are held accountable, and they have all been thoroughly screened prior to onboarding.

Right to Refuse Service

Due to safety concerns, inappropriate or unpleasant circumstances, the presence of weapons on the premises, extreme clutter, and disconnected utilities, we reserve the right to refuse service and/or discontinue it.

Our providers have the option to leave if the home is in an exceedingly unclean state or if they feel intimidated or endangered. If you schedule an unsafe cleaning, the providers may refuse service and you will be charged the cancellation fee.

Cleaning Day Preparation

We kindly ask that you take a few minutes to clear up so that the providers have easy access to the areas and surfaces that need to be cleaned, such as the floors, counters, tabletops, etc. Your cleaning fee is calculated based on the providers devoting all of their time to cleaning. If you would like the providers to perform these tasks for you, please contact the office in advance so that your cleaning cost can be modified to account for the additional time.

Extra Services

These services are available at an additional cost:


First Class Clean will gladly work around pets. However, we retain the right to withdraw service providers from your house if your pet becomes agitated or poses a safety risk.

Providers are instructed not to enter a home if they deem an animal to be a threat; nonetheless, pets may behave differently when there is no family member there. Our cancellation policy shall apply if the withdrawal of our cleaning company is a result of aggressive pets.

Service Fees

Please keep in mind that any online or over-the-phone quotes are based on years of expertise, but we reserve the right to adjust them based on the actual state of the home. So that there are no surprises when we get there and find that the job will take longer than expected, we’ll call you to let you know. If we can’t reach you, the provider will have to leave and you’ll be charged the cancellation fee.

In order to provide our service to the customer’s expectations, we retain the right to reevaluate our charges at any time. If the cleaning time varies significantly, First Class Clean will get in touch with the client to discuss price or service adjustments.


Payments are made by credit card only. Cards will not be charged until AFTER the appointment is completed.

Refund Policy

We do not offer refunds since we have established our business on giving our customers the highest quality service possible. However, we are human, and things will from time to time get missed, should this happen email or call us within 24 hours & we will correct the error at no charge.

Subscription Service Discount

Recurring discounts start AFTER the first cleaning service, if you skip cleanings so that your cleaning’s frequency is lower than what you were set up for, your price will be increased to the pricing level for the lower frequency.

Increases In Rate

Should the client’s established service schedule, residence, or living situation change at any point throughout the year due to a renovation, change in location, an increase in the number of occupants, a sizable addition of furniture, etc., the client’s cleaning rate modifications may be made. Annually, the customer’s rate will increase by no more than 10% of the client’s current rate.


The client must let First Class Clean providers into the service location on the day of the service. If the team is locked out of the Client’s home, every effort will be made to contact the Client to arrange for entry. If no contact is made within 30 minutes of the cleaning team’s arrival, the scheduled cleaning will be skipped and you will be charged a $100 late cancellation fee. This fee is required to compensate the providers for unexpected lost revenue and time travel.


Due to the fact that we reserve a time specifically for you, we require a minimum of 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment in order to avoid a $100 cancellation fee.

Please be advised that a $100 cancelation/lockout fee will be charged to the credit card on file if service is canceled with less than 24 hours notice OR if we are unable to gain entrance to the property upon arrival OR if we are turned away at the door.


If your home has a security system, please confirm that it is in the off position or call our office for the code and instructions on how to operate it. Please let us know if the code changes so that you do not incur a lockout fee.

Utilization of Owner’s Vacuum

If you request that we use your vacuum, we will not assume or accept responsibility for any damage that may occur. Since we are not responsible for the vacuum’s upkeep, we will not pay for any necessary repairs. This is vital because if the vacuum is broken when we arrive to clean your home, we will be unable to vacuum your carpets and hard floor surfaces.

Cleaning Supplies

Please let us know before we begin the service if you require us to use exclusively green cleaning solutions.

If you must use your own cleaning supplies, please remember that we are not liable for any harm caused by those items. When this request is made, please have the cleaning chemicals and materials readily available so that we can complete our cleaning service as efficiently as possible.

Things We Can’t Clean

Mold removal is a specialty, we cannot be liable for any mold-related risks in clients’ homes.

We cannot clean hoarding homes or places involving bodily fluids, blood, feces, vomit, cat litter boxes, bird cages, urine, or excrement from animals or humans.

Inaccessible Locations & Heavy Objects

Because of safety and liability concerns, our providers cannot climb higher than a step stool or work outside of the home. If you wish for the providers to clean behind large things, you must move them yourself if they weigh more than 35 pounds.

Policy for Breakage/Damage and Loss

While cleaning, the chance of breaking or damage exists, albeit rare. Our providers take reasonable precautions when cleaning your house, and all providers carry insurance to cover any damage or breakage they may cause.

We are not responsible for damage caused by regular wear and tear, improper installation of an item in your home, artwork, collectibles, or family artifacts that were not revealed during the booking process.

Artwork, Collectibles, and Family Heirlooms: These objects are expensive and irreplaceable; thus, the client must identify them prior to the start of service. Please specify how you would like your fragile goods handled and with what care.
Personal property that is damaged or lost must be reported within 24 hours. Always identical replacement is sought, but it is not guaranteed.

Providers Arrival Window

In order to keep prices low and avoid trip fees, we schedule our cleanings in the order that requires the least amount of driving time. If you need a specific time, we will do our best to meet your needs, but we can’t promise anything.

Due to the unpredictability of our operation and unforeseen circumstances like as traffic congestion, inclement weather, and automotive breakdowns, please give us the freedom to schedule our cleaning between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm.

We often arrive within the 2-hour window specified in your reservation. If we are running behind schedule, we will call or text you.


No holiday visits are made by First Class Clean.

If your booked day occurs on a holiday, we will contact you to reschedule. The following holidays will be observed:

House Key/Key Release

First Class Clean is not responsible for any damages or theft to the client’s home if the client chooses to leave a door open or place a key under a mat or in any other unsecured location for the providers to get access.

Upon termination or cancellation of services, First Class Clean shall return any customer keys in its possession within 48 hours or the next working day.

Non-Solicitation of First Class Clean Providers

As our customer, we ask that you agree not to hire any of our providers to work directly for you. All of our professional providers have been screened, had their backgrounds checked, and have worked as cleaning providers before. Before we let a new provider into our customers’ homes, we spend a lot of time, money, and resources getting to know them.

Governing Law

Any claim relating to First Class Clean website shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

We’ve worked hard to make our website useful, informative, helpful, and honest. Hopefully, we’ve done a good job, but let us know if you’d like to see improvements or changes that would make it even easier for you to find the information you need.

First Class Clean retains the right to modify these terms and conditions without prior notification at any moment.

© 2022 First Class Clean